In April 2017, Central Florida Expressway Authority (“CFX”) began conducting concept, feasibility, and mobility studies on the unbuilt Osceola County Expressway Authority (“OCX”) Master Plan Projects. The study corridor for the Osceola Parkway Extension begins approximately one mile west of the Boggy Creek Road and Osceola parkway intersection and extends along the Orange/Osceola County line until it meets the north terminus of the proposed Northeast Corridor Expressway. The corridor is 9 miles long. On March 8, 2018, the CFX Board approved moving forward with the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study. OCX is currently considering 6 possible alternatives for the roadway. The goals for this limited-access facility include providing additional east-west capacity and relieving congestion on local roads.
(For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here)
Project Link:
Maguire Lassman Silberngael, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to governmental Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in a proposed project corridor and you have any questions or concerns regarding same or general eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman Silbernagel, P.A.’s office by email at or by telephone at (407)-228-9522.