The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is currently in the Design phase of a project to widen and reconstruct SR 40 from the end of 4-lanes to east of CR 314 in Marion County. This project is Segment 1 of the SR 40 widening project. The new roadway will have two 12-foot lanes in each direction separated by a 40-foot grassed median. Right-of-way has been budgeted for $8.4 million and Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2020.
Project Link:
(For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here)
Maguire Lassman, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to Marion County’s Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in Marion County that may be affected by the SR 40 Segment 1 project and you have any questions or concerns about Marion County’s recently released maps or Florida eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman, P.A.’s office manager, Teri L. Alligood, by email at or by telephone at (888) 216-6870.