Last week, I published a post encouraging property owners, who have become subject to an eminent domain taking, to review attorneys’ result histories before deciding upon representation. In last week’s post, I also proffered my own results history as a testament to my own track record of success for my clients. I must admit however, that my above linked results record, does not represent the entirety of the results obtained for my clients. My above linked record only accounts for the financial – or “cash” – gains I have gotten for my clients. What my above linked record does not account for, are the numerous non-monetary benefits I have obtained for my clients over my 25+ years of eminent domain practice.
Non-monetary benefits are those benefits obtained by an attorney, for his/her clients, that come in forms other than cash to the property owner. For instance, I have successfully negotiated with condemning agencies to provide commercial property owners with new or improved access to major thoroughfares. While such negotiated agreements do not result in immediate cash to the owner, such negotiated agreements do provide the owner with a very valuable improvement to his or her commercial property that would have not been provided except for my negotiations.
To provide, another example of a typical non-monetary benefit I have obtained for various clients over the years – take for instance a property owner whose residential property would be subject to substantially greater noise pollution in the after take condition. On more than a few occasions, I have negotiated with the condemning agency to include remedial measures, such as re-positioning the road or adding a sound wall, to the final after-take plans. Such negotiated agreements provided my clients the benefit of heightened noise protection that was otherwise ignored by the condemnor’s original plans.
I take pride in my 25+ year record of garnering added benefits for my clients, both monetary and non-monetary, that were not conceived in the condmnor’s original plans and offers. If you believe I and my firm may be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me by clicking HERE. Thank you.