SR 514 (Malabar Road) from SR 507 (Babcock Street) to US 1

Brevard County

(For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here) Maguire Lassman Silberngael, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to governmental Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in a proposed project corridor and you have any questions or concerns regarding same or general eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman Silbernagel, P.A.'s office by email at or by telephone at (407)-228-9522.
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SR 501 from Michigan Avenue to Industry Road

Brevard County

The Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT") is currently conducting a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study to consider improvements to SR 501 (Clearlake Road) from Michigan Avenue to Industry Road in Brevard County. This study will be evaluating several alternatives that will address roadway capacity improvements, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and transit needs. The study began December 2014 and is ongoing. The proposed alternative would widen the roadway from three to four lanes with bicycle lanes and sidewalks on both sides. Right-of-way acquisition is needed and is anticipated to cost $13 million. Construction has not yet been scheduled. Project Links: FDOT Project Info (For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here) Maguire Lassman Silberngael, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to governmental Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in a proposed project corridor and you have any questions or concerns regarding same or general eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman Silbernagel, P.A.'s office by email at or by telephone at (407)-228-9522.
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SR 507 from Malabar Road to Palm Bay Road

Brevard County

The Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT") is currently in the Design phase of a project to widen SR 507 (Babcock Street) from north of Malabar Rd to Palm Bay Road, a length of about 2.5 miles. The project will widen SR 507 from the existing 4 lanes to a 6 lane roadway. Design should be completed before the end of 2018. Right-of-way has been budgeted for $40 million. Construction is expected to cost $23.5 million and has not yet been scheduled. Project Link: FDOT Project Info (For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here)   Maguire Lassman, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to Brevard County’s Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in Brevard County that may be affected by the SR 507 from Malabar Road to Palm Bay Road project and you have any questions or concerns about Brevard County’s recently released maps or Florida eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman, P.A.’s office manager, Teri L. Alligood, by email at or by telephone at (888) 216-6870.  
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I-95 Interchange @ Vierra Boulevard

Brevard County

The Florida Department of Transportation's ("FDOT") is constructing a new diverging diamond interchange on Interstate 95 (I-95) at Viera Boulevard. The interchange will help to reduce congestion and improve safety. Construction began in Fall 2017 and is expected to be completed in Spring 2019. Project Link: FDOT Project Information (For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here) Snip20151129_1 Maguire Lassman, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to Brevard County’s Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in Brevard County that may be affected by the I-95 Interchange @ Vierra Boulevard improvements and you have any questions or concerns about Brevard County’s recently released maps or Florida eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman, P.A.’s office manager, Teri L. Alligood, by email at or by telephone at (888) 216-6870.
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SR 514 (Malabar Road) from Weber Road to Corey Road

Brevard County

Maguire Lassman, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to Brevard County’s Right-ofWay maps. If you own property in Brevard County that may be affected by the SR 514 from Weber Road to Corey Road expansion and you have any questions or concerns about Brevard County’s recently released maps or Florida eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman, P.A.’s office manager, Teri L. Alligood, by email at or by telephone at (888) 216-6870.
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SR 524 Corridor Planning Study

Brevard County

The Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT") is currently in the planning stage of a roadway project on a 3.15 mile section of State Road 524 in Brevard County. The purpose is to develop potential multi-modal transportation improvements along SR 524 to promote safe and efficient travel on the roadway. The project will take place from Friday Road West of I-95 to Industry Road. The project will include: two through travel lanes in each direction, multi-use pathways, bike lanes, enhanced crosswalks, and other useful improvements. Once the planning stage is complete, FDOT will begin a Project Development and Environment Study ("PD&E"), which will further define the budget and extent of the improvements and construction. Project Link: CFL Project Description (For a property owner list, project schedule, or detailed funding information, please contact our office by clicking here) Maguire Lassman, P.A., a Florida law firm that represents property owners faced with the potential acquisition of their property through eminent domain, has access to Lake County’s Right-of-Way maps. If you own property in Brevard County that may be affected by the SR 524 Corridor Planning Study and you have any questions or concerns about Brevard County’s recently released maps or Florida eminent domain law, please contact Maguire Lassman, P.A.’s office manager, Teri L. Alligood, by email at or by telephone at (888) 216-6870.
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